See If You can Solve These Bashers*
*1) **Alex, Bret, Chris, Derek, Eddie, Fred, Greg, Harold, and John are nine students who live in a three storey building, with three rooms on each floor. A room in the West wing, one in the centre, and one in the East wing. If you look directly at the building, the left side is West and the right side is East. Each student is assigned exactly one room. Can you find where each of their rooms is: *
*1. **Harold does not live on the bottom floor.*
*2. **Fred lives directly above John and directly next to Bret (who lives in the West wing).*
*3. **Eddie lives in the East wing and one floor higher than Fred.*
*4. **Derek lives directly above Fred.*
*5. **Greg lives directly above Chris.*
*2) **What does this equation simplify to? *
(x - a) * (x - b) * (x - c) * ... * (x - z) =?
*3) **Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right,
adding up the numbers along the way, what is the largest sum which can be made? *
*4) **How many squares, of any size, can you find on this chess board
which do not contain a Rook? *
*5) **What four digit number has digit 1 three less than digit 4 which is
one more than digit 2 which is twice digit 3 which is not a prime number and is one more than 1/3 of digit 4?*
*Here are the Solution’s…*
1. *Answer:*
2. *Answer:** **“0” since one of the terms is (x - x).***
3. *Answer:* *3+2+5+9+6+1+ 7+4+1 = 38*
4. *Answer:** **There are 128 Squares without the Rook***
5. *Answer: **6849.*
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